Magic in the Mayhem

For those of you who missed your letter to Hogwarts, don’t fret. I thought I was doomed to be a Muggle, too. If you have missed the wizardly reference altogether and need a dictionary, a Muggle is a mere mortal who lives in a world without knowing magic. Once upon a time, I didn’t believe in magic or at least not that it existed for me. I was too focused on completing the next task, working hard to achieve the next promotion, and wondering why I never felt fulfilled.

Since I’m summing up a year of my life in a single blog post in hopes that someone can relate, in short, I was missing the magic. I didn’t even know what it was or how to find it. After quitting an excellent paying nursing job—where family, friends, and my bosses thought I’d lost my mind—I went off to find what the hell I was missing!

I am calling it magic, but I have found you can call it whatever you want. Either way it’s special. Magic, for me, is the moment where you slip into something you enjoy and time ceases to exist. You lose track of worries, fears, and time because you lose yourself in what you love. This is magic my friends. In today’s world, the goal of achieving perfection, or at least success, can cause us to miss the magic.  

When I realized my magic was in writing, reading, and creating stories, I thought I’d gone mental. I had never been deemed creative or artistic. In school, my lowest grades were in art class. (I’m not kidding.) I thought the people who spent their time creating art were the lucky few in the world blessed with the gift. The rest of us were destined to look on in awe and never really partake in the genius creation of books, movies, paintings, etc.

As I sit down to write this, I am guiltier than a sinner on Sunday of losing the magic I worked so hard to find. In the midst of taking advice from marketing professionals (who know their stuff), writing the third book in the Sinful Secrets novel, editing and prepping the second book in the series for release, and trying to perform to my own standards, I forgot about the magic.

Good news—the magic is never truly gone. But how do we find it…AND keep it? Whether in a relationship, in a career, or creating something new, keeping the magic means remembering to have fun in a world of mayhem and responsibilities. Enjoy the moment, the story, the challenge, the new idea, and follow the fun, instead of the fear and worry over what you didn’t accomplish today.

For many of us, we forgot how to play, laugh, and enjoy our days. This is my task for you: find something that excites you and see where it leads.

Here is what I know—passion and desire are worth more than a degree in any subject. If you have a thought, an inkling of something you want to create, GO FOR IT. Spend every moment you can finding more joy, more love, more positive people who want to create with you.

Go to the damn pottery class; sign the contract for your new studio; write the freaking book! And for the love of God, fail. Fail again and again until you don’t. Because life is short, but magic is never is short supply if you’re looking. The world needs more creators out there. Do me a favor and be one of them.

Tell me what you’re creating! I want to hear about your next book, your gorgeous photography, or the beautiful family you are making. Now, I’m going to go get lost in a new novel… maybe a few.


Seducing Sentences into Stories


Worlds, War, and Warriors, But More Importantly… Words.